家徒四壁 ( jiā tú sì bì )


  1. 家徒四壁 (jiātúsìbì)
    1. 家中极端贫困,空无所有,徒有四堵墙壁树立 utterly destitute;be empty of all furniture;be extremely poor with only the walls of the household standing;with nothing is one's house but bare walls


家徒四壁 (jiā tú sì bì)
  1. 家中只剩四面牆壁。形容家境貧困,一無所有。

    • 宋.辛棄疾.水調歌頭.我亦卜居者詞:「好在書攜一束,莫問家徒四壁,往日置錐無。」
    • 孽海花.第三回:「那時正是家徒四壁,囊無一文。」

    近义词: 環堵蕭然 家貧壁立 室如懸磬 四壁蕭條 一貧如洗 一無所有

    反义词: 富可敵國 富甲一方 腰纏萬貫