量入为出 ( liàng rù wéi chū )


  1. 量入为出 (liàngrù-wéichū)
    1. 支出在数量或程度上不超过收入 base one's expenditure upon one's income;live within income; plan one's expenditure in the light of one's income
      • 居家过日子要量入为出
    2. 根据收入情况确定支出限度 make ends meet; spend no more than one's income; stretch one's legs according to the coverlet
      • 并用筹策,计较府库,量入为出。——《三国志·卫觊传》


量入為出 (liàng rù wéi chū)
  1. 根據稅收的多寡來制定支出的限度。語本禮記.王制:「以三十年之通制國用,量入以為出。」後泛指根據收入來斟酌開支。三國志.卷二十一.魏書.衛覬傳:「計校府庫,量入為出。」清.李文炤.儉訓:「則何若量入為出,享恆足之利乎?」或作「量入制出」。