江山易改,禀性难移 ( jiāng shān yì gǎi bǐng xìng nán yí )


  1. 江山易改,禀性难移 (jiāngshān yì gǎi,bǐngxìng nán yí)
    1. 政体容易更改,本性难于变移,比喻生性风格或既成的事实难以改变 It's easy to change rivers and mountains but hard to change a person's nature;a fox may grow grey,but never good;a sow,when washed,returns to the muck;it is hard to change man's natural disposition than to change rivers and mountains


江山易改,稟性難移 (jiāng shān yì gǎi bǐng xìng nán yí)
  1. 山河的面貌隨年月而有變化,而人的稟賦性格卻根深蒂固。比喻人的本性難以改變。

    • 明.徐𤱻.殺狗記.第二齣:「他縱無怨恨之心,奈絕無順從之美,正所謂『江山易改,稟性難移』。」
    • 醒世恆言.卷三十五.徐老僕義憤成家:「常言道得好:『江山易改,稟性難移』。」