既来之,则安之 ( jì lái zhī zé ān zhī )


  1. 既来之,则安之 (jì lái zhī,zé ān zhī)
    1. 既已来此,那就随安于此 since we are here,we may as well stay and make the best of it;now that we have come,let us stay and take the rough with the smooth;now you are here,you'd better stay;since this is so,it's better to accept it and enjoy it
      • 他果然既来之,则安之,我也只得因居之安,则资之深。——《儿女英雄传


既來之,則安之 (jì lái zhī zé ān zhī)
  1. 本指安撫遠方來的人,使其安居樂業。語出論語.季氏:「遠人不服,則脩文德以來之。既來之,則安之。」後指既然已經來了,就且安下心來。元.王實甫.西廂記.第二本.第二折:「(末云)​『既來之,則安之。』請書房內說話。」