头痛医头,脚痛医脚 ( tóu tòng yī tóu jiǎo tòng yī jiǎo )


  1. 头痛医头,脚痛医脚 (tóu tòng yī tóu,jiǎo tòng yī jiǎo)
    1. 比喻出了问题临时应付,不想根本解决的办法 take stop-gap measures;adopt sporadic and piecemeal steps as the physician who treats the head when the head aches,and treat the foot when the foot hurts


頭痛醫頭,腳痛醫腳 (tóu tòng yī tóu jiǎo tòng yī jiǎo)
  1. 比喻只顧眼前,對問題不作通盤考慮,不從根本上解決。