三顾茅庐 ( sān gù máo lú )


  1. 三顾茅庐 (sāngù-máolú)
    1. 东汉末,刘备三次往隆中(山名,在今湖北襄阳)聘请隐居于草庐的诸葛亮出来帮助打天下。后用来指诚心诚意再三邀请或访问 repeatedly request somebody to take up a responsible post;call on a famous scholar repeadedly to solicit his help;make three calls at a thatshed cottage and request the owner to take up a responsible post


三顧茅廬 (sān gù máo lú)
  1. 漢末劉備往訪諸葛亮,凡三次,才得見。見三國志.卷三十五.蜀書.諸葛亮傳。後用以比喻敬賢之禮或誠心邀請。

    • 南朝梁.徐陵.諫仁山深法師罷道書:「黃石兵法,寧可再逢,三顧茅廬,無由兩遇。」
    • 元.馬致遠.薦福碑.第一折:「我住著半間兒草舍,再誰承望三顧茅廬。」